We offer Deaging NFT cards as a great present to women on all occasions for health and happiness.
Some years ago, as a practicing physician, I traveled to Tibet with a group of doctors. All of us were very interested to learn more about traditional Tibetan culture and medicine.
We visited several hospitals where local doctors were practicing Tibetan medicine, who prescribed to their patients only herbs for the treatment of the mind and body. From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, herbs contain the substances that are required for healing.
One day we were allowed to observe a unique ceremony in one of the hospitals. All the Tibetan physicians were dressed up as monks, and they were praying, chanting, as well as reading ancient Buddhist texts out loud. They explained that those prayers were intended to increase the healing power of the herbs.
Intention creates a certain vibration, and this vibration, acting on any material substance, causes an enhancement or magnification of the effect. Tibetan doctors were focusing their intent to give more healing power to the herbs.
By applying the same principles, we created digital de-aging cards, which help focus the user’s intent to augment the de-aging processes.
In the same manner as the Tibetan doctors, we are asking the Universe to give more healing power by the use of the digital cards to make you and your loved ones to feel and look younger.
Our de-aging NFTs are not just beautiful pieces of art.
They are not just NFTs that can be bought and sold.
They actually are to be used for healing practices for your body and mind.
They can be as effective medicine as pharmaceuticals, herbs, vitamins, and other substances people use to improve their health.
De-aging NFTs are to be used minimum twice a day, and as needed other times.
How do they heal?
1 When you look at the image, it transports you to the past: to the time, when you felt better physically and mentally and looked younger. When your attention is focused on the past, the best experiences of the past, the subjective perception of Time changes. It gets perceived moving much slower. It brings stress levels down, relaxes muscles, brings down anxiety, and improves mood overall.
2 De-aging NFTs are meant to work as an amulet and a talisman at the same time.
An amulet is defined as “an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.” Some believe an amulet is used for protection, to repel ‘negative’ energies.
Talismans, conversely, are used to attract ‘positive’ energies, and give power to the wearer.
Our de-aging NFTs serve the same purposes, only they exist in digital form.
When you give de-aging NFT as a present to the loved one, you are form an intention that reflects what you like to do for this person.
The best intention would be to have a sincere desire for the loved one to feel better mentally and physically, to look younger and to attract positive energy!
In our modern lives, we have been getting negative information from the mass media from the time we wake up to the time we fall asleep.
This negativity affects our body aura, the energetic field that responsible for maintaining our health.
All negative changes in regard to our health starts in our aura and then, sometimes much later, they appear as an illness in our body, mind, or both.
Our de-aging NFTs generate positive energy that you always can keep next to you (on your phone, for an example) like the picture of the loved ones in the frame that you have on your table. It will positively strengthen your aura.
Why is collective prayer very effective for the recovery of the individual with an illness? Because it gives a lot of positive energy to the aura of the sick individual.
We created de aging NFTs as a team and our intention was to help people to feel better and to look younger.
When you use our de aging NFTs frequently, then the positive intention will affect your aura very positively.
As a physician I really happy and thrilled by an opportunity to use digital medicine, de-aging NFTs, to help people to feel better mentally and physically.